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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hungarian Trial Month Experience: Another day in this business...

Greetings my people just a quick update on my latest venture.  Basically I came out here on a trial period to Hungary and we won 4 games (1 preseason) since I've been here and lost 2 versus the top teams in 3 weeks of play. Obviously I cannot take the credit of all of the work that the team put in collectively but to say the team won zero preseason games out of at least 5 before myself and the other import arrived in replacing the other imported players. (Also not to mention after personally averaging decent numbers in playing through a turned ankle suffered during the game at close to 10points, 5assists & 4rebounds per game none the less) it would be simply downplaying the momentum happening around here for a club that is hopefully a playoff competitor if the season continues at this pace. It is a 25 game season and the top 8 teams make it in. Last year this team finished in 11th place and had a 8-18 record.  With all the facts out of the way how it happened over night was basically as I was in talks an negotiating other countries that were hesitant to send a solid deal.  I saw this as an opportunity to work and get in shape so I just took the chance without any information of the club or even speaking to anyone directly I just accepted the job because I was dying to play ball as usual. I was called here and arrived within 3 days from the initial contact directly from the Hungarian agent from them following my online presence and knew I was still on the market and said a certain team was looking for my position and interested in me coming out on a trial period.  Before I forget I must say thank you to all of my supporters for given me such a forum to showcase my talents because a lot of guys aren't so lucky.  So all in all this was an inciting opportunity that I had to take, at least it was a chance to come out to play ball and get into game shape.  
"In being a veteran, I fully understand the rules in this business and when I turned my ankle in game 2 and decided to rest it after re-aggravation during a practice scrimmage the day before the final regular season game 5. I was aware that it would not be a very favorably received decision to those that pay your salary (ie: management) as an athlete our duty is simply to perform. If you can't do it to there estimated standard then what is the purpose of having you imported here and paying you extra if you aren't an asset to the team at that time? I get that is the mindset in this business as any to cut cost but I really had to protect myself from a possible further injury without proper rest and rehab (offered pain killers and cortizone shots I declined it's not that serious of a situation). Playing hurt only makes it worse and in the end of the day my body is my business so I must protect my interest as the club must protect theirs. It's all about the Strictly Business decisions in this Indstry at the professional ranks, So it's never any hard feelings involved. This is a Man's Game."

So at this point it is simply time to rest my body and make decision because this is a constant moving business at times.  What I've learned is that you just have to stay in shape and ready to do your job. Thanks for reading and following my progress.  I was blessed for the opportunity and proud of the work I did to help this team get off to a good start.  It was cool visiting Hungary on this trial period and the relationships I forged.

"At the end of the day it was a chance that I had to take being that I was at home training and waiting on other jobs to open. This was also a way to train and get into game shape."

My final closing statement to the people of Hungary, Europe is:

Dear fans,
Tonight I had a sit down with management and we came to a mutual agreement that this tenure has come to a close chapter. For various interests reasons from both sides of the table but primarily for the team it will free up salary cap money so they don't have to scramble for sponsorship and likewise it's beneficial for me because I need a week or two to rehab my right ankle which is not
possible in certain places like here that absolutely need the imports to play amazingly throughout any situation. I was personally prepared for this result after my choice in sitting out last match due to turning my ankle the day before our last game. With all that business interests aside, I just want to show appreciation to the whole organization for allowing me to come out and experience this months worth of 2 a day trainings and playing in 5 games to get me in great form. As a professional in this business I understand that my body is my first priority and when I return home it's first trip to my Doctor and Chiropractor specialists so I can get a formal analysis of what really is going on for now because I cannot risk having a small injury turn into something bigger due to improper treatment. It's just a waste of time and time equates potential earning time. At the end of the day both sides agreed that I was a professional and that is what is ultimately respected in this game, evident by them paying for my tenure here and from there we are all squared away. I did all of the things that was asked of me everyday with a good attitude, so that's the most important thing to do beyond of whatever happens on the playing arena. People already know how I can play from my body of work throughout my whole career. The key is being a positive asset to an organization in any situation is what I've learned in my many years of experience in this profession. A ankle turn is healed in week of rest and 1 week of proper rehab so I will be back in no time hopefully with such a common occurrence.

The night after getting hit in my ankle during the game 2. I finished my game out like a soldier though.

Ultimately I wish this city and organization of Szeged basketball a successful season and to the guys on the team especially a new friendship formed with fellow American import Anthony Gurley a great opportunity to have a big year to help boost your career. People need not worry about me personally because I will bounce back as usual.
 At the end of the day I'm a professional hard worker but the writing was on the wall at the moment that this situation was not the best fit due to the various factors from both ends. I have only positive things to say about this club because they were good natured people with great families and good relationships are bigger than business at times. I have some decisions to make about my options on the table. Mainly if I will pursue job opportunities I'm being contacted about now in other places directly from here or go to America first. I honestly really want my time to go home, make new plans and regroup because that is the key is having a map of your career path. I understand that In this business is a "Marathon and not a Sprint" so being a veteran professional my mindset is obviously I'm always open for business because this is what I do play basketball. My final statement to the good people here in Hungary is,
"May God bless you all and your families with health, wealth and success."

Sincerely Yours,
John Gilchrist

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